Monday, June 30, 2008
Howdy Neighbor!
It looks like he is a missionary who is or was on a mission in Japan...pretty interesting.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Los Angeles and Mr. Brainwash
June 20-21
Last weekend Me, Abe and Stella took a spontaneous trip to LA to see "Life Is Beautiful," the art and installations of Mr. Brainwash aka MBW.
We drove up Friday night and stayed at the Hotel Palomar. Hotel Palomar is a Kimpton Hotel. They are famous for impeccable style and being pet friendly.
Saturday morning we enjoyed room service and then headed to the old CBS Studios on Sunset. The exhibit was pretty cool and they let us bring Stella in, but only after asking if she was an art lover...duh, of course she loves art. Abe bought a print and we headed back to San Diego.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Lindsay and I met in 1992 shortly after I moved to Oceanside. That means we have been friends for 16 years! WOW. When we were growing up, she was always getting grounded! I'm not sure why, there isn't a bad bone in her body.
She is a wonderful friend and an amazing person. If you met her, you'd want to be her best friend too! She is sweet and thoughtful, super funny, sometimes loud, always vibrant and strikingly beautiful.
Funny Story...Lindsay and I loved the Beck song "Loser" when it came out, I'm guessing 1993. And we wanted to know all the lyrics to that song. Anyway, she recorded it, off the radio on to a cassette (hello 1993) and we would play, pause, write, rewind, play, pause, write, rewind... and so on until we had all the lyrics. Then we were like "what the hell does this song mean...."
Her mom thought it was about a bad acid trip, we liked the "Get crazy with the cheese whiz" part at the very end. So now, even today, I still know all the lyrics to that song. Thanks Linds!
It was days like that, that Lindsay and I had the best time. Just hanging out at one of our houses...usually in pajama pants....eating crunch berries....
We have sooooo many stories....sooooo many phases.....sooooo many good times! She is the first person I call when I have good news to share and the first person I call when I just need someone to talk to.
Fun Lindsay Facts:
She has green eyes (green is the rarest of all the eye colors)
She was named after Lindsay Wagner, The Bionic Woman
She is a picky eater
She has traveled to Asia twice
She married David Little, one of our childhood friends who we have also known for 16 years
Me and Lindsay at Forrester Street in Oceanside, 2007
Me and Lindsay in the water (yay waterproof digital cameras), 2007
Melissa, Lindsay and Emily at Surf and Saddle, 2007
UPDATE: More pictures of us through the years
She and David have a blog too, check it out,
Cheers Lindsay! Happy Birthday! 2 months til my birthday!!
The 100 Best Places to Raise a Family
SAN DIEGO is #5 which I'm very proud of and OCEANSIDE is #27! (27 is my favorite number) I was actually raised in Oceanside (it's in San Diego County, 40 miles north of downtown) and I can tell you from first hand experience it is one of the best places to be raised.
Oceanside Pier
Honorable Mention: Abe is from El Paso and it was ranked #69 (his favorite number, just kidding)
Out of The 10 Worst Places to Raise a Family, 3 of the cities are in Texas. (Corpus Christi, Waco and Beaumont) I happen to love Texas (most of it) so you have to give it a little is big enough to count for like 4 states.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
San Diego Restaurant Week
June 22-27.
Here's the deal. There are a ton of San Diego restaurants participating and this is a great way to check out a new place. Each restaurant offers a 3 course meal. Appetizer, entree and dessert for $30 or $40 per person. The price depends on the restaurant.
Abe and I went to Dakota (a Cohn Restaurant) with his parents Monday night. And last night he and I tried a new place, the Coronado Boathouse. D-lish!
Coronado Boathouse has a great San Diego feel. It really is (was) a boathouse. It sits on stilts above the bay, right across the street from the Hotel Del Coronado. We both enjoyed the Macadamia Nut Crusted Halibut...yum!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James
A life without love is like a year without summer. ~Swedish Proverb
If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance. ~Bern Williams
There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~Celia Thaxter
The summer night is like a perfection of thought. ~Wallace Stevens
School is out and it’s a sort of a buzz, back then I didn’t really know what it was...~Will Smith
I love the Summertime! ~Emily Schaeffer
George Carlin
Friday, June 20, 2008
Art Show
That is a huge Miles Davis on Melrose. Do you see the EXIST sticker?

Gift Card Heaven
Starbucks- $20
Banana Republic- $50
Bloomingdales- $100
Westfield Shopping Malls- $100
Yay, Shopping without spending. And it's not even my Birthday!
I tend to be WAY more cautious when I'm shopping with gift cards. I want to make sure I really NEED or really LOVE what I'm getting. And then, I always have the dilema of:
1)Should I buy something worth the exact amount of my gift card?
2)Should I only spend half and save the other half to use during a money drought?
3)Should I buy something that costs twice as much and consider it 50% off?
I'll let you know what I get. Right now I really need work clothes. More specifically,
Black pumps, (mine are so worn out!)
Pants (I'll probably go to Express and get the Editor, it's a great staple)
Button down/officey shirts
How do you spend your gift cards?
Starbucks- I only have $3.85 left for Starbucks. Have you tried the Doubleshot on Ice? I love it! Only 100 calories!
Westfield- I have $7.88 left. I bought Nine West heels ($25.86) and a few beauty supplies at Sephora ($66.27 I think)

Howdy Neighbor!
Today my neightbor is...
UPDATE: I have a new neighbor (that I like better). The "what is missing" pictures are great.
June 13-15
Last weekend was the 4th Annual Palm Springs Weekend. I look forward to this trip from the moment the previous trip is over. I go with 5 other girls that I went to college with. Let me introduce you to....Kortney, Vera, Gracie, Robyn and Monica.
Here are some pictures....thanks Robyn.
I'm sans camera right now, my flash shattered in Telluride this past winter :(
Art by Shag. They have prints from the Disneyland series and the Palm Springs series.
Enjoying a delicious breakfast.
About to enjoy a delicious dinner.
Me and Monica.
Monica and Robyn.
I read that the Olson Twins say "Prune" instead of "Cheese." This is my prune face.
Next year I get to plan. How do I top the Disney house? Any suggestions?
UPDATE: New pictures from Monica Moon Burks!