But then something happened...
Mid January I started "training." I have never been a runner. At my fittest (2001-2003 hah!) I ran 2-3 miles a couple times a week, always on the treadmill so that I could track my pace, calories and distance. I like to know where I am so I'll know how soon it'll be over. So anyway, I started training and guess what? ...training was FUN. I started slow, really slow. For the first 4 weeks my schedule went from 1.5 miles to 4 miles. By the end of February I was up to 9 miles! Un-be-leev-able! March was rough. We spent a week in Utah and a week in Austin, needless to say my running sched was put on hold. But by the beginning of April I was back and really going for it. I did 16 miles solo on 4/24 (amazing!). Last weekend Melissa and conquered our longest training run, T-W-E-N-T-Y miles, two zero, 20! wow
The marathon is less than 3 weeks away, I cant believe it! It is 19 days from today. I have 11 runs scheduled between now and then. And honestly, I am looking forward to each of them. Having great training partners has made all the difference. I have logged many mile with Anika and Melissa. Looking forward to a run really means I'm looking forward to seeing them.
I'm excited to accomplish this with my friends.
I'm proud for not making an excuse to quit.
I feel healthier and stronger than ever before.
I can't wait to see what I'll accomplish next.

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