Friday, June 20, 2008

Gift Card Heaven

Have you ever been to Gift Card Heaven? Well, I'm there and it's beautiful!

Starbucks- $20
Banana Republic- $50
Bloomingdales- $100
Westfield Shopping Malls- $100

Yay, Shopping without spending. And it's not even my Birthday!

I tend to be WAY more cautious when I'm shopping with gift cards. I want to make sure I really NEED or really LOVE what I'm getting. And then, I always have the dilema of:

1)Should I buy something worth the exact amount of my gift card?
2)Should I only spend half and save the other half to use during a money drought?
3)Should I buy something that costs twice as much and consider it 50% off?

I'll let you know what I get. Right now I really need work clothes. More specifically,
Black pumps, (mine are so worn out!)
Pants (I'll probably go to Express and get the Editor, it's a great staple)
Button down/officey shirts

How do you spend your gift cards?

Starbucks- I only have $3.85 left for Starbucks. Have you tried the Doubleshot on Ice? I love it! Only 100 calories!

Westfield- I have $7.88 left. I bought Nine West heels ($25.86) and a few beauty supplies at Sephora ($66.27 I think)
My Sephora goodies.

1 comment:

Little's said...

I love your blog...very clever Everyday Emily!

Regarding gift cards...I always think I'm going to stay inside whatever the gift card budget is however it never fails, I always spend more! Have fun shopping!

Love, L

PS~ Great prune totally look like an Olsen!